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In a world where our heads are turned by university degrees and fancy qualifications, I come to you as a mentor who has been through the darkness myself and made it out the other side.


I have a foundational background in Anthropology and World Religions; and I have been practicing Earth Medicine for 19 years. But this book learning pales in comparison to the fact that I have been where you are, and I understand.

Embrace the Goddess Within

Athena Macmillan

High Priestess, Healing and Transformative Faciliator

Founder & President, Mentor, Spritual Adviser, Mother


I am an Earth Priestess, Shamanka, Intuitive Healer and Researcher, with a background in public speaking, mentoring and sacred sexuality.


I aim to promote awareness of the Divine Feminine, honor cultural and gender diversity, and share the tools that have transformed my own life in amazing ways.

I am fully dedicated to your growth and development on a path that is inspired by joy, respect, love and magick. It is my honor and privilege to walk with you on this path towards self-enlightenment and spiritual evolution.

I commit to accompany you on your own unique journey, using the tools outlined on this website, with complete authenticity. I will provide the resources, information, tools for spiritual practice and support system that will best promote your ascent into your full potential.

Your path will be unique to you as together we work to awaken your full inner power and embrace your divine life purpose.

So deeply grateful for the time and effort Athena puts into her personal communication and resources. Her courses offer so much information that has helped me connect to myself and others in ways I hadn't imagined.


The transformation I have experienced is profound and even my closest friends have seen a difference in how I approach all areas in my life.


Sandra Hamilton



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