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The Hidden Gifts of Mercury Retrograde

Mercury in retrograde gets one heck of a bad rap. And with good reason. Out of all the planets, Mercury is the sassy one. In the Roman (and Greek as Hermes) Parthenon, Mercury is the patron Deity of thieves, travelers and gamblers. When his planet is in retrograde we find our computers blowing up, cars breaking down or getting broken into, travel plans going awry and miscommunication on all levels.

But Mercury also has a softer, healing side; particularly in regards to us mere mortals. He releases people from their problems, has the ability to explain any omen, is a powerful magician and healer, a philanthropist of beauty and desire, and a psychopomp: ferrying souls of the deceased to the underworld. It's not his fault that when the planet is in retrograde that things go slightly... awry.

All of a sudden we lose our ability to think clearly, communicate with those around us, make good deals or keep a level head when beginning new projects. And don't even get me started on technology.

But even in the midst of this chaos, Mercury is still a good guy that wants to be on our side. He gives us coping mechanisms and cunning ploys that will help us wing our way through this tumultuous time.

Mercury, above all, wants to make our lives better for us. And if that includes learning some solid lessons during his retrograde, then so be it. Retrograde is a time of tough love and because of its cyclical nature, repeating three to four times a year, if we don't pay attention and learn the lesson being shown to us this time, it WILL happen again.

So really think - how does a retrograde affect you the most; what is being highlighted for you? Is communication between yourself and others leading to terrible misunderstandings? You need to look at the way you exchange information. Investigate ways to improve how you connect yourself to other people and the resources you need.

Calm down. Take deep breaths. Have patience.

Mercury in his magical, generous and loving way is trying to teach you something, and sometimes that lesson can be hard. But these times are gifts you need to utilise to their full potential. Expect visitors and connections with people from your past - reminisce and laugh with them! Instead of starting something new, bring old projects to a close. Back up your computer. Keep your phone charged. Go for a walk to clear your head.

This is a time to go inward and re-examine the parts of our lives that might need a bit of an overhaul. It is a time of wonderful breakthroughs, whether that is spiritual, mental or physical. And the more you take advantage of this time to go back and rework the aspects that are brought to your attention, the more ready you will be to speed ahead when Mercury once again turns direct and speeds you towards your hopes and dreams.

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